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BWYG Events

Events: News & Updates


Retreats are a BIG deal at the BWYG. We do several throughout the year. They all are different, but they all include growing closer to one another and God! Our main retreats are Jr-Sr Retreat, Spring Retreat, and Fall Retreat.

Dinner @6 + Cupcakes @3

Every 1st Wednesday of the month a group of teens prepare cupcakes and ice cream for our 3:00 Bible Class to celebrate their birthdays. Afterwards we get together at 6pm to eat a meal ($5) and go to bible class afterwards at 7! Come join us!

Plastic Utensils

Sunday Night Devo

Join us for some good foods, funs times, and engaging worship.


MNM: Monday Night Madness takes place on most Monday nights in the summer. The BWYG will meet at the building around 6 and go do something fun together for the purpose of building community and be back at the building at or before 10. MNM can range from putt-putt to grill-outs to movie nights to archery tag and more!


Girls Night out

This event takes place during the summer. The girls of the BWYG get together and do something fun, to fellowship as sisters in Christ. It's not always at night, but its always a great time!


This is an event for the men of the BWYG. We will meet to have a period of prayer and then play a sport together. This event takes place on Tuesday mornings during the summer between 10am-12pm.

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DIG Devo

This is a laid back devotional for all 6th-12th grade students at Lincoln and Anna's Apartment. This devotional usually last from 5:30–6:30. Occasionally, we'll have diffrent classes individually come to these. We eat, play, and study the scriptures together.

Noise Makers

Noise Makers

This event takes place on random nights during the school year. The intent of this event is to go support the members of the BWYG in their extra-curricular activities whether that be something in the arts, athletics, aerobics, or anything else. You name it, we will be there to cheer!

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Secret Service

This event takes place on some Wednesdays during the school year. The intent of this event is to provide an opportunity for service to God without making a big deal of the ones serving, but rather give God all the glory.

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